83 research outputs found

    Towards a Model of (Variant) Readings

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    In scholarly editing, more particularly in the context of collating various versions of a text, the definition of a variant reading is crucial. Yet, despite its importance, the meaning of a variant reading is often reduced to a “difference.” The reason for such a vague definition is that what makes a variant can largely depend on the field of study: scholars of the Homeric oral tradition will consider different variants from scholars of medieval traditions or early printed texts, or from genetic critics. This contribution will focus on the modelling of a reading, arguing that formalizing this concept is necessary in order to define, and thus model, a variant. This article will also address digital representation of a reading by focusing on one implementation: the JSON data format used in conjunction with collation programs such as CollateX

    Visualizing collation results

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    Paper presented at ‘Digital Scholarly Editing: Theory, Practice, Methods’ DiXiT Convention, Antwerp, October 5-7, 2016

    Frecuencia de fractura de cadera en adultos mayores, Hospital Regional Virgen de Fátima, Chachapoyas - 2019

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    Las fracturas de cadera son un problema de salud frecuente en la población de adultos mayores, por esa razón el presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo general: Determinar la Frecuencia de Fractura de Cadera en Adultos Mayores, Hospital Regional Virgen de Fátima, Chachapoyas - 2019. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal. Como técnica se utilizó la documentación y el instrumento fue la ficha de recolección de datos. Además, la información fue procesada por SPSS 26, Microsoft Word y Excel 2016, y se presentó la información en tablas. Resultados: de 45 historias revisadas, 35 pacientes presentaron fractura de cadera (77.8%), y de acuerdo a la edad: 17 (48.57%) tenían entre 70 a 79 años, en segundo lugar se encontró a quienes tenían de 80-90 años (28.57%), y en último lugar los de 60-69 años (22.86%). Según el género: 23 adultos mayores (65.7%) fueron varones y 12 mujeres representaron un 34.3%. Y finalmente, según el tipo de fractura: 14 presentaron Intertrocantérica (40%), seguido de la Subtrocantérica 10 (28.57%), Transcervical 8 (22.86%) y la Subcapital 3 (8.57%). En conclusión se dieron mayores frecuencias en edades de 70-79 años, género masculino y el tipo de fractura Intertrocantérica

    Open Research Data and Innovative Scholarly Writing: OPERAS highlights

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    Pre-print of the article to be puslihed in OA on http://www.ressi.ch/ We present here highlights from an enquiry on the innovations in scholarly writing in the Humanities and Social Sciences in the H2020 project OPERAS-P. This article explores the theme of Open Research Data and its role in the emergence of new models of scholarly writing. We examine more closely the obstacles and fostering conditions to the publication of research data, both from a social and a technical perspective

    Versioning Cultural Objects : Digital Approaches

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    This volume approaches an understanding of the term versioning in the broadest sense, discussing ideas about how versions differ across forms of media, including text, image, and sound. Versions of cultural objects are identified, defined, articulated, and analysed through diverse mechanisms in different fields of research. The study of versions allows for the investigation of the creative processes behind the conception of works, a closer inspection of their socio-political contexts, and promotes investigation of their provenance and circulation. Chapters in this volume include discussion of what a “version” means in different fields, case studies implementing digital versioning techniques, conceptual models for representing versions digitally, and computational and management issues for digital projects

    Automatic Collation Tools and Virtual Research Environments

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    In this contribution we examine the history of automatic collation, which is the comparison of different copies of a work, to understand how software for this philological task has been (or has not been) integrated within Virtual Research Environments (VREs). We have identified two general approaches: the first is that of the all-in-one integrated VRE and the second is that of the modular pipeline composed of various independent tools

    Collation automatique et éditions numériques: de la théorie à la pratique

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    The purpose of the dissertation is to investigate from a theoretical and methodological perspective the different tools that allow automated collation, and study the application of such tools to the creation of a digital critical edition in the context of Classical literature. By doing so, the dissertation examines many foundational but often neglected components of the philological method, such as the definition and wider implication of transcription, reading, and variant.The goal is to provide a reflection on automated collation and the theoretical as well as practical challenges it poses: what is automated collation? How is it performed, and what are the main differences with manual collation? What are the benefits of automated collation? Why has it not been widely adopted yet, despite the fact that it was developed to help scholars? How to process the results of collation programmes? As a case study, a Classical Latin text has been used to test automated collation and to compare the various existing tools.Cette thèse a pour but d'étudier d'un point de vue théorique et méthodologique les différents outils qui permettent une collation automatique, et d'étudier l'application de ces outils à la création d'une édition critique numérique dans le contexte de la littérature classique. Ce travail se penche en particulier sur les notions de transcription, des leçons et des variantes, examinant leurs définitions et leurs implications plus larges dans la méthode philologique.L'objectif est de fournir une réflexion sur la collation automatique et les défis théoriques et pratiques que cette méthode pose: qu'est-ce que la collation automatique ? Comment est-elle effectuée et quelles sont les principales différences avec la collation manuelle ? Quels sont ses avantages ? Pourquoi n'a-t-elle pas encore été largement adoptée, alors qu'elle a été créée dans le but d'assister les chercheurs qui éditen un texte ? Comment traiter les résultats des programmes de collation ? Comme étude de cas, un texte de latin classique a été utilisé pour tester et comparer les différents outils de collation automatique

    Comparing diagrams in Euclid’s Elements

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    Abstract and poster of paper 0625 presented at the Digital Humanities Conference 2019 (DH2019), Utrecht , the Netherlands 9-12 July, 2019